How to be a business owner, a wife, a mother, a friend, and be there for yourself

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Yes you read that title right! How is it possible to manage all of this and be successful in all areas?

Let’s put things into context first.

I can be very hard on myself, always putting pressure that I need to do this and do that, in that amount of time… I have always been this way, someone that wants to achieve things and feels guilty and unsatisfied if nothing is happening fast enough. I actually cannot remember the last day I took time off everything - and I mean everything - to just relax and breathe. Does this mean that I achieve a lot? Not necessarily as there are so many factors to consider, there are lots of ups and downs, it is that thing called ‘life’!

The truth is, the definition of success is different from person to person. With the current restrictions during this worldwide pandemic I have lowered my expectations while still striving for the best and that has helped me view my success in a new light. It’s ok if something is not completed in x amount of time, it’s ok to say no to things that will not bring happiness or have a positive impact on my life, it’s ok that I can’t work today and will instead work tomorrow…

Here are my tips I want to share with you for the best chance of success:

  • Boundaries: it’s important to know when to be working, when to pick up the phone and check emails and when not to. Even though being an entrepreneur, business is on our minds all the time, having boundaries will make sure that our time is used as it should be and make everything easier.

  • Procrastination: this is the enemy of productivity. I am the first guilty of this and am still trying my best to avoid doing it by acknowledging where my time is going and re-aligning my energy towards my goals.

  • Choose wisely: As mentioned above, sometimes it is wiser to say no to events, meetings etc if they are not the priority and will not bring you forward with what you are trying to achieve.

  • A little organisation goes a long way: I might admit here that I am the most disorganised organised person!! Although I want to plan and do things in an organised manner, I sometimes find myself doing the opposite. But I do know that with some organisation, I could achieve more with my time. For example, I recently discovered some great food shopping websites that save me the time of physically going to the shop. This one I will definitely stick to!

  • Podcasts nowadays exist in all topics of life. I find that they teach me so much but also motivate me in general. If you haven’t started listening to podcasts, this is your prompt, and trust me you won’t regret it! Here are my favourite ones:

I have learned to really appreciate each moment for what it is. One day my daughter will be grown up and those precious little moments I get to share with her everyday will be long gone.

I will leave you with this:

It’s not what we choose to do with our time that is the most important but how we choose to do it, what impact will we leave behind. The emotions attached to our actions are what we will remember.




The questions you ask me the most, answered !!


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