What to take out of this year’s confinement
Photo by Liana Mikah on Unsplash.
We all probably have been frustrated going into confinement again this year. I think specially of the people with kids, or the people living in a small environment, not being able to breathe fresh air every day.
Instead of brewing negative thoughts in my mind, I wanted to think of positive outcomes that will come out after the confinement.
On my side, having a 2.5 year old, I was at first a little discouraged and unmotivated, thinking how could I entertain her all day without letting the TV temptation take over. Plus having to deal with work, clients expecting their projects, keeping the house clean, and my mental health.
Now that we are entering phase 2 of the re-opening I try and look at it differently (even-though schools remain closed and my situation is not changing much). The last thing I would want is to think back on this temporary period in 10-15 years time in a negative way. I am lucky in some way that my daughter is only 2.5 years old - turning 3 in less than a month - she does not need to be home schooled yet, and my attention only goes towards her since she doesn’t have siblings for now. Pushing out the negative thinking and looking at things on the bright side really helps. I also make sure that I allow time for myself, either when she is sleeping or when my husband can help. This could mean working, exercising or simply just laying down and watching a movie.
Before I list down the things I want to take out of this year’s confinement, I wanted to make a quick diversion into last year’s one. For us, there was none. We went to Perth, Australia to visit my parents and siblings for 2 weeks at the beginning of March 2020 and ended up staying there for 3 months until we managed to catch a repatriation flight back home. It was truly a silver lining in this situation since we spent a lot of quality time with family that we no longer know when we will be able to see again…
Ok, that being said, this year is therefore our first confinement in Mauritius. Here are the things I want to take out and remember:
Everything is temporary and nothing is granted - make sure to appreciate each moment for what it is.
Always put things into perspective - someone’s situation is always better than what they think it is. Unfortunately there are worse-of situations around us.
Family is everything - I appreciate my loved ones more than ever.
Baking and preparing home cooked food is so much more rewarding than going to the store and buy it off the shelves. Plus I find it to be therapeutic!
Sticking together as a community, buying local from small businesses and entrepreneurs, encouraging each other in this difficult time, will make sure that we come out of this crisis stronger than when we entered it.
Social media is not the start and the end of business. What I mean is that making connection with people in real life or having our own individual web platforms/physical shops is major important to be successful in business. Yes, social media is a definite help but do not forget to also connect for real. This is one of the reason why I wanted to start this blog :-)
Who would think that wearing a mask could be trendy and fashionable! I’ve linked here my 2 favourites: Odd Atelier and Sunniva Accessories.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments section !
Until next time, thank you for being here today!
Valentine xx